Tuesday 19 June 2012

India Commemorative: 50 Paise

1964 Onwards:

Jawaharlal Nehru(English) 1964

Year - 1964
Metal - Nickel

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime minister of India from 15th August,1947 to 27th May,1964. After his death on 27th May 1964, to pay homage to him, a 50 paise coin was issued on 14th November 1964.The  other coin issued in this theme for general circulation was in the denomination of one rupee.

Jawaharlal Nehru(Hindi) 1964

Year - 1964
Metal - Nickel

As the name of the national leader was inscribed on the commemorative coins in English, but not in the national language Hindi, it was strongly protested throughout the country and the minting of the coins with legend in English were stopped and a new 50 paise coin with the similar design but with the legend in Hindi was issued in the same year.

Click here for more details.


Mohandas Gandhi 1969
Year - 1969
Metal - Nickel

Details are the same as that of the 20 paisa, Mahatma Gandhi Centenary Commemoration issue.

Click here for more details.


25th Anniversary of Independence 1972
Year: 1972
Metal: Cupro-Nickel alloy (75% Copper+25% Nickel)

The obverse of this coin shows  a young man and a woman carrying the National flag in the fore ground with the Parliament House in the back ground. The legend “25 Wi Swatantrya Jayanti” is in Hindi and the rears “1947-- 1972”  depicts the 25 years of Independence.


Grow More Food 1973
Year: 1973
Metal: Cupro-Nickel alloy (75% Copper+25% Nickel)

After Independence, the focus of Indian government was a complete Development of the country. Agriculture being the most important part of Indian economy, first aim was to be self-sufficient in food supplies. To spread its importance in general population, 50 paise coin showing the slogan “Grow More Food” both in English and Hindi was issued on16th August 1973. The other two coins in the denomination of 20 rupees and 10 rupees were issued as proof specimens.


National Integration 1982  
Year: 1982
Metal: Cupro-Nickel alloy (75% Copper+25% Nickel)

India is a great land of diversity ranging from different communities, languages to food. Each state in India has its own culture and language. Hence to emphasize on communal harmony and to aware the people that the different states and its people are the integral part of our country India, a 50 paise coin with the theme “National Integration” was issued in Dec,1982. Out of the other 3 coins issued on the same theme, the 2 Rupees coin was issued for general circulation and the 10 Rupees & the 100 Rupees coins were issued as proof / unc specimens.


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